# Can we prove Andy Jassy's existence by reason alone? here i was browsing the internet when i thought to check on whether the attic was up and running again. not because I wanted to read any of your posts (fool me once) but because josiah mentioned he was going to publish one of my beautiful short essays and he still hasn’t anyways unbeknownst to me not only did josiah NOT publish my magnificent article but you’ve all published a whole new set of gay diary posts AND in josiah’s gay diary post he both 1) paints my dearly beloved (new york city) in a bad light and 2) didn’t even include me in his “friends to keep in touch with in 2023” list. my feelings :( lo and behold nothing makes me want to write like a broken heart. you see, i never write anything for the attic because I normally don’t have anything to say. but now! the city is pretty gay though!! especially if like most transplants you move to jersey city, manhattan south of ~90th st, the near parts of brooklyn, and in neighborhoods along the L train. to have a transient experience, spend most of your time here. worse yet, join a cucked megachurch and don’t even join a community group *clears throat* and instead mostly hang with libs. a guaranteed spiritually uplifting time in honor of said megachurch I will now let ChatGPT write us a three point sermon: >Dear congregation, today we gather to reflect on the importance of avoiding idolatry and embracing God as the center of our lives. In a world filled with distractions and temptations, it's easy to lose sight of what truly matters. Let us delve into the Word of God and understand the consequences of idolatry and the blessings of living a life centered on Him. > >I. The Dangers of Chasing Worldly Life in Cities > >In the hustle and bustle of city life, it's all too easy to prioritize worldly pursuits over our spiritual well-being. The glittering lights of the city can blind us to the truth, leading us to chase after material wealth, fame, and pleasure. We may find ourselves worshiping idols of success, status, and possessions, forgetting that true fulfillment can only be found in our Creator. > >Scripture warns us against idolatry, reminding us that "you shall have no other gods before me" (Exodus 20:3). When we place anything above God in our lives, we stray from His path and open ourselves to suffering and emptiness. Jesus Himself cautioned, "For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36). > >II. The Pitfalls of Idolatry in Country Living > >Even in the serene tranquility of the countryside, idolatry can rear its head in subtle ways. While country living may seem idyllic, it's not immune to the influence of worldly desires and distractions. The peace and simplicity of rural life can lull us into complacency, leading us to prioritize earthly comforts over our relationship with God. > >As we tend to our fields and livestock, let us not forget to tend to the garden of our souls. Let us guard against the temptation to worship the creations of God rather than the Creator Himself. As the Psalmist reminds us, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork" (Psalm 19:1). Even in the beauty of nature, we must recognize the hand of God and give Him the honor and glory He deserves. > >III. The Necessity of Daily Repentance and Genuine Encounters with Jesus Christ > >Dear friends, in light of the dangers of idolatry, let us heed the call to daily repentance and genuine encounters with Jesus Christ. Through His Word and Sacrament, we find nourishment for our souls and strength for the journey ahead. > >Let us immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, allowing God's truth to penetrate our hearts and minds. Let us partake of the Holy Sacraments with reverence and humility, experiencing the presence of Christ in the bread and wine. As the Apostle Paul urges us, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect" (Romans 12:2). > >As we depart from this sanctuary today, may we be ever mindful of the dangers of idolatry and the importance of keeping God at the center of our lives. Let us resist the temptations of the world and fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith. And may His grace sustain us each step of the way, now and forevermore. Amen. amen brother, the UNconsuming Fire Inside Me was truly lit somewhere around point three. yessir maybe actually joining a church wouldn’t have helped either, d’oh! there’s wisdom in choosing what hill to die on, i guess, but in said megachurch i remember the constant admonitions — “be the one who approaches people at coffee hour”! “we need stronger community groups, talk to us today about starting one!” but in reality this church’s problems were too deep for these corporate drone "fixes". it’s like you’re barking up the wrong tree and someone says “have you tried meowing?” everything is a “sacrifice.” the taking of one path is the foregoing of another. you’re giving up some combination of time, attention, comfort, and money that you could be giving to something else. are you just giving up time and money to help form a Sunday morning social club? to worship some hollowed out God of practical advice? why delude yourself three years after converting I find christianity itself (expectedly?) fake and gay. i converted because I had a genuine encounter with Christ that turned the stumbling block into a cornerstone. every easter, at least, I get the same taste in my mouth. as all the pharisees (that’s you and me, btw, we’re not on the cross even though we pretend to be) yell at the cucked morally ambivalent man in charge to get him to crucify the nutcase yammering on about lillies and sparrows, i always think, i can’t put it into words, but that seems to summarize literally everything about this phantasm we’re in. there’s the way, the truth, and the life, and that’s what happens when you act it out. of course the rest of us refuse to act it out, having acknowledged this brute fact, and instead have dumbed it down to be a self help book on being a Good Boy Citizen Wit a Nice House That Pay Taxes and Don’t Cheat on He Wife (REVISION 2! INCLUDING CHAPTER 16: WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU CHEAT ON YOUR WIFE ANYWAYS). that’s 99% of christianity at least. ever been to a christian book store? what a joke, who the hell would become Christian? I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for my encounter. at least the idols in NYC are more obviously unsatisfying. it’s like a whirlpool that sucks in the people that come here to do “cool stuff” and then spits them out as they live their godless lie. but yes, anywho, the beautiful country! here’s a montage from our recent trip back to my Serene and Pristine home in the country, Lancaster PA: ![](img/books.jpg) ![](img/dragonfly.jpg) ![](img/guitar.jpg) ![](img/quotes.jpg) ![](img/wagyu.jpg) sure was nice to get some peace and quiet, away from all that city ruckus :) is anywhere *not* a city anymore? you’d have to suppose it’s part of the plan that we have to suffer through city-esque nonsense. i’m thinkin we need that jesus fella to come back down and do the act again in south dakota then we’ll have a nice lil sacred spot to have a holy war on. as Peter tries to stop him he can say “think of your multigenerational wealth opportunity in Ohio, Rabbi!” I was thinking about doing some exegesis here to elaborate the point. there’s that movement in scripture from slavery -> exile/wandering -> permanent temple -> sacking of temple + Christ being the new temple raised in three days -> disciples being sent back into the wilderness/crossing the seas (which in other words is typologically the same as preaching to a bunch of foreign gentile cities) with no permanent location (just like the tents, only our promised land is supposed to be in the eschaton, not a hop and a skip across the physical Jordan). cause that would clearly explain why you’re not REALLY alive until you spend $3000/month on a studio and a homeless man with one bare foot and a tweety bird shirt pisses on your front door every night anywho. that’s not the point. point is everywhere sucks but flyover country especially sucks. nyc best city in NA cope harder flyover "boys" ... ... ... aaand in case anyone reading this is deft and still needs a church that isn't dead (orthodox) larping (catholic) or super cringe and/or LGBOTOAEIDFQIA and/or totally out of touch with the historic church (majority of protestantism) try looking here: https://locator.lcms.org/church i think it still won't be as great as it should be, but you're supposed to go anyways. part of the deal and all.